Trials and Tribulations XIII Water dripped down the darkened passageway to land at Ryouga's weary feet. He stumbled slightly, catching his breath as the basket of laundry in his arms tilted slightly as if about to fall. The only noise in the corridor was the sound of his breathing, his breath ragged from the lack of air. Down there, underneath the earth, you couldn't even hear the din of the prisoners as they marched slowly down their narrow hallways. He continued onto the broken stairway before him, and to even deeper depths. < The darker surroundings matched my mood >, he thought glumly. His mind was where it always lay these days, with Ranma. An involuntary groan left his lips as he remembered the encounter with Ranma just minutes ago… “Hey.” Ranma stammered. He had been caught in the hallway unawares by Ryouga as he was on his way to the infirmary. Standing face to face with him again, a big rush of anticipation and feeling invaded Ranma’s body and he could feel himself blush hotly. Ryouga’s hair was mussed as usual, and he looked in perfect health, Ranma frowned, except for those I-haven’t-slept-in-a-year eyes and his expressionless demeanor. A sting of hurt suddenly surfaced as Ryouga turned away again, laundry on his shoulders. He too was heading underground. “ Ryouga, wait up!” It seemed as if Ranma’s voice had a mind of it’s own, and he couldn’t help himself from desperately calling after him. “ Please, Ryouga, don’t leave!” To Ranma’s surprised, Ryouga stopped and glanced back a Ranma slowly. Ranma’s breath quickened, and his pulse raced as he walked over to stand an inch from Ranma’s face. Their breath mingled and quickened in rapid succession. “ Ryouga…” Ranma whispered. They were soon enveloped in a long kiss that seemed to last forever. Melting against each other, they nuzzled slowly and reluctantly pulled apart . “ That’s for you to remind you of me.” Ranma’s smile dropped and he looked up at Ryouga in astonishment, anger, and then fear. Ryouga was still worried about Issoku! He cringed as he remembered his past actions with the violet eyed demon, and cursed himself for not thinking of how it would effect Ryouga. Stock stiff with worry, he could do nothing but watch as Ryouga walked away from him, and back to his cell. Soon, all that was left was the sound of water hitting the broken stones that made up the floor. Ranma was beginning to wonder if maybe Issoku was more trouble than he was worth. `````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Ryouga wiped his brow wearily as he trudged back down the stairs for the last load of laundry. Suddenly, the sound of shuffling feet alerted him to the fact that someone was around. Before he could even scream, a long, thin hand reached around to clutch his neck. Violet eyes sparkled in the darkness. Ryouga gasped and almost had a heart attack right then and there. Turning around to see his present competition was not a happy thing. Ryouga scowled, “ What’re you doing here?” BAM! As quick as lightning, Ryouga was up against the wall with the Issoku breathing down his neck. “ Listen up and listen good, for I’m only gonna say this once…leave my Ranma alone, or I’ll kill you. Issoku smiled,” Or better yet, I’ll make sure that Ranma never sees you again.” ```````````````````````````````````````````````````````````````` Lurking in the darkness, Ousui laughed. To Be Continued …