The Birds IV Wufei rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly as he saw the other gundam pilots looking at him as if he were crazy. Duo cracked one eye open and snickered from his upside down position on Heero’s shoulder, causing Wufei to bristle in indignation. “ Well, /Maxwell/ it looks like I saved the day again.” “What…” Duo sputtered, flailing his arms about wildly. Moments later , a thump and a following “Itai!” from Duo face down on the floor caused Wufei to smirk in satisfaction. “Stop it.” Wufei quickly wiped the smirk off his face as he came face to face with the death glare of one pissed off Heero Yuy. “ He had it coming…” “ He~er~o~o! I can take care of myself!” Duo exclaimed, twisting around quickly, causing his braid to slap Wufei smack dab in the face. “ He did that on purpose!” “ WILL YOU BOTH SHUT UP!” Both boys quieted as they saw a bedraggled Quatre standing in the kitchen doorway with a towel in his hand. A towel marked with red. Scratches marked his face, arms, and legs, forming a spiral of patterns that obviously gave him pain. “ What happened to you Q-man?” Duo asked meekly. Quatre sighed,” Contrary to your belief, this isn’t a joke,” He paused to look at their bewildered expressions,” This is too weird to be true, but it is. It hasn’t hit you yet, but…we’re being attacked…by birds.” Duo struggled to stifle a giggle as it worked its way out of his mouth. He looked over at Wufei and saw him fighting the same battle, one eye open and one eye closed in concentration. He burst out laughing, Wufei soon following. Clutching their stomachs and each other, they sat down on the floor laughing , and laughing, and laughing. “ They’ve lost it.” Heero stated calmly, meeting Quatre’s incredulous stare with one of his own. “ Where’s Trowa?” “Oh! Trowa!” Quatre ran back into the kitchen, clutching the towel tightly, leaving Heero to watch over the two crazy pilots all by himself. “Hn.” < I don’t think it’s hit me either. > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And all hell broke lose… Duo and Wufei wiped the tears from their eyes to stare at each other, smiling. “ Ahem!” Both boys stood quickly and glared at each other with scowls on their faces. “Jerk.” “Moron.” “Hn.” They started at the sound of Heero’s voice, and stared at his vacant expression, his head tilted to the side. “Heero…” Duo whispered. “Shush! I hear something.” All three boys tilted their heads to the side, listening for the noise that Heero heard so vividly. Duo sweatdropped,” Heero, I don’t hear…” TAP! The boys froze, glancing at each other conspiratorially. Heero moved first, then the other boys followed in a crouch, heading toward the wooden door. Duo crept up to the panel placing his hand alongside it’s edge , and leaning against it to hear… To hear… Duo frowned,” Heero I don’t hear anything…” CAWWWW!!!!! “AHHHHHH!” Two boys yelled at once, the remaining pulling out his gun from who knows where. Duo shrieked and shrieked and shrieked as he saw the beak embedded in through the wood, half an inch from his face. He tugged and tugged, but couldn’t come lose, as the vicious bird’s beak was entangled in his hair. “What’s going on?” Quatre yelled as he ran in, Trowa behind him with a dishcloth wrapped around half his face. BANG! BANG! BANG! Wufei, Trowa, and Quatre fell to the floor with their hands over their heads as they heard Heero’s gun go off, one bullet after another. Duo drew in a shaky breath and gently tugged his bloody hair from the bloody door. The bird’s beak, or the remainder of it at least, was a gruesome sight, and Duo had trouble holding in his lunch. Heero sighed, and put his gun back who knows where, for safekeeping. Wufei stood up, along with Quatre and Trowa, and all five gundam pilots just stood in the middle of the floor looking confused. “ Oh my God…” Everyone looked over at Quatre, following his gaze to the door, right of the door, the window… “ Holy Shit! Heero!” One of Heero’s shots had gone astray ( imagine that ~_^) , and burst through the window, leaving a gapping hole in its wake. They all stood there frozen, waiting to see what would happen, afraid to see what would happen… TAP! All looked beyond the window at the bird staring in at them, on the other side of the hole. “Fuck!” Duo screamed as he high tailed it to the kitchen. The four other gundam pilots turned tail also, and ran into the kitchen locking all doors and windows behind them. The sound of wings rushed through the house and a feeling of panic rushed into the gundam boys. “ Everyone! Listen!” They all stopped to look at Heero, a familiar mad gleam in the steel blue gaze. Everyone groaned. “ Listen. We have lost our bedrooms,” Everyone groaned again,” and the living room…” “ My Nintendo!” “ But,” Heero glared at Duo,” We can stake out here, in the kitchen and dinning room, and form a plan.” “ A plan, Yuy? A plan!?!” Wufei yelled, a vein throbbing on his forehead, ” These are supernatural foes Yuy, s-u-p-e-r-n-a-t-u-r-al. This wasn’t in /my/ job description.” Heero clenched his hands into a fist, steam coming out of his nose. “ Omae…” “ Now, now, now, Heero,” Duo said cautiously, “ Let’s not have any killing of partners. Hehehe…” “ As I /was/saying…” “Hn.” “ Just what kind of /plan/ is this anyway, Yuy.” Heero snorted,” We have to come up with one first.” Everyone sweatdropped. “ We aren’t getting out of this alive are we?” Trowa said, startling everyone out of their reverie. They all looked at Trowa, noticing for the first time, his marred face and Quatre’s lingering gaze of worry. Quatre gasped,” How can you say such a thing, Trowa. Of course we will!” “ It seems we have a lot of time on our hands, huh?” Duo broke in non too gently,” At least we don’t have a mission or something.” BEEP! BEEP! Everyone turned their heads in the direction of Heero and Duo’s room, listening intently: 1,2,3,4,5 mission: Cyprus Hill, This’ll be pure hit and run. Objective being shut down. Pack the party favors along with any other extra toys. Not big, but should be dealt with ASAP. DJ “Damn.” To Be Continued…