Another Lonely Night: Part 4 The Draft by marymqc Disclaimer: Not mine. These characters belong to someone else. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ "Good morning me and Ryouga are going to spar bye!" Ranma yelled without pausing as he pulled Ryouga quickly behind him. "Oh, my," Kasumi remarked as the two boys rushed out of the room. "Hm?" Akane asked. "Ryouga! What's that pig doing here?" Unfortunately, they weren't there to hear that. She growled angrily as she slumped down at the table. Inside the dojo, Ranma and Ryouga both let out a sigh of relief. "Phew, I'm glad we got out of there quick," Ryouga remarked. "I wouldn't want to give Akane a chance to pound me again. Think they bought it?" Ranma shrugged. "Why wouldn't they?" "So we're alone, then?" "Yep." "Good," Ryouga stated simply, grinning. Then he was suddenly standing mere inches before Ranma, looking down at the slightly shorter boy. Without warning, he grabbed the sides of Ranma's face and pulled his lips towards his own. He smashed his lips hungrily against the martial artist, feeling Ranma's hands press against his chest. Ranma got over his surprise almost immediately, kissing forcibly back as he slid his hands up Ryouga's chest to his throat. There, he snaked his arms around Ryouga's neck on both sides, pulling Ryouga even tighter against him. "Mmmm," Ranma moaned, smiling teasingly against Ryouga's lips. "You just so kiss-ably clean." Ryouga chuckled. "Yep, thanks to you." As they continued their deep kiss, neither noticed another person sneaking a peak inside the dojo. Neither did they hear the dozen small, short clicks. Nabiki grinned at the thought of potential blackmail. - They spent their time together, just hanging around each other like friends would do. Only this pair secretly kissed whenever they got the chance. A few days later, however, the inevitable happened - Ryouga got lost once again. He wasn't too lost; thankfully he was still in Nerima. But he couldn't find Ranma, no matter how hard he looked. He did, however, run into someone else. "Ryouga, we need to talk." "Oh, hello, Mrs. Saotome," Ryouga greeted politely, somewhat startled. "What would you like to talk about?" Ranma's mother glanced around at the busy sidewalk they were standing on. "Not here. Why don't we go to my house?" Ryouga gulped and nodded. He didn't have a very good feeling about this. Nodoka led the boy to her house, having to correct him several times when he tried to turn in the wrong direction. "Have a seat," she told him curtly once they were inside. Nervously he sat down in a chair, and the older woman sat down across from him. "Ryouga, I'm going to be straightforward and blunt," Nodoka began. "I know you and Ranma have been spending a lot of time together, and I have a very suspicious feeling about this. I have an idea of what's going on. Now tell me this truthfully: Is there something between the two of you more than friendship?" Taken aback, Ryouga thought about it for a minute, trying to decide how he should answer her. Finally, his heart pounding, he mumbled, "Yes." Nodoka leaned back in her chair for a moment, taking in a deep breath. "I thought as much." She sat up and stared unwavering into Ryouga's eyes. "I want you to stop this foolishness with Ranma. Keep your distance from him, you hear me?" Ryouga blinked and shook his head. "I can't do that, ma'am," he replied nervously. The look she was giving him almost made him agree to do whatever she wanted, but he knew that he couldn't. Nodoka's gaze hardened. "Ryouga, you surprise me. My son is a man. He is very masculine and strong. Just like I thought you were. I won't have you corrupting him. Eventually, he's going to marry and raise a family, and you can't stop him. You will not stop him. I know Ranma is confused from his whole fiancee mess, and he's experiencing something new. But I will not have my son hanging out with the likes of you." Her words hit Ryouga like a painful slap. He felt his chest tighten. "What - What makes you think you can stop us?" he asked, trying hard to keep his voice steady and strong. "I can't. But I will disown my son if this continues. Next time you see Ranma, tell him I want to talk to him." - Nabiki sighed. She was unable to locate Ranma, and she needed cash immediately. She glanced at the incriminating photos in her hands, a new plan forming in her mind. With a scheming smile, she dashed out of the house and ran to her destination, Ucchan's. "Hey, Ukyou," she greeted with a predatory smile. Ukyou looked up from the grill, startled. "Hello, Nabiki. What brings you here?" As she spoke, Ukyou dug her hand into her pocket, searching for the money she knew she would need. It looked as though she would need to steal from her own cash register this time. "I have some pictures of Ranma I think you would be interested in," Nabiki told her slyly. "Naked?!" Ukyou gasped. Nabiki shook her head quickly. "No, not that! But I do believe you would find these pictures most interesting." "What are they of?" Nabiki held out her hand expectantly. "Usual fee." Ukyou sighed, opening her cash register. "Here. Now gimme." Nabiki grabbed the money and handed Ukyou a picture. "I assure you, the picture in unaltered," Nabiki promised. Ukyou shot her a look. She was a little frightened at what she would see in the picture, praying that it wasn't her fiancee and Akane sharing a kiss or sneaking off on a date. But her curiosity won her over easily, and hesitating only for a second, Ukyou looked down at the photo in her hand. Nabiki watched her expression with amusement. But her amusement soon turned to concern when all color drained for the chef's face. Nabiki pulled Ukyou from behind the grill and positioned her in front of a chair in which Ukyou collapsed. - Ranma wondered where he should go next. He had been unable to find Ryouga and he was getting tired of looking. He knew he should just stay in one spot because Ryouga would turn up eventually. He was about to head back to the Tendo dojo when he realized he was passing by Ukyou's restaurant. Ranma reasoned. When he walked through the front door, his eyes fell on Ukyou, who jumped up to her feet. "Hello, Ucchan!" Ranma greeted cheerfully. "Hi, Ranchan," Ukyou said carefully. "You just missed Nabiki." "She was here?" Ranma asked, a little suspiciously. "What was she up to this time?" "She had some, uh, interesting pictures to show." "She did?" Ranma beginning to get nervous. "Yes. She gave me one," said Ukyou as she reached into her apron pocket. She pulled out a photo which she handed to Ranma and watched as the color drain from his face not unlike hers did earlier. "Tell me this was just a one-time mistake. It was, wasn't it?" Ukyou questioned, and began to babble. "I mean, *Ryouga*? This wasn't serious, right? You're not that kind of guy, right? It's not going to happen again, is it? What happened? Ranma?" Ranma looked at her sadly, as if he was the bearer of bad news. Ukyou did not like that look at all. "'s true. I'm sorry. Ryouga and I are...together now." "You and - and Ryouga?" Ranma nodded. "I know. It's unbelievable." Ukyou swallowed. "Does Akane know?" "Not yet, but I'll tell, have you seen Ryouga, by any chance?" Ukyou shook her head silently, mulling over the latest event in disbelief. She sat down and buried her face in her arms. She barely heard Ranma apologize again as he left the restaurant. - Ryouga grimaced as he walked down the street. His visit with Nodoka was all but pleasant. Her words crashed down on him, shattering his happiness and leaving him in a very dark, troubled mood. What would Ranma think once he found out about his mother's wishes? Ryouga sighed. Even if Ranma chose him over his own mother, would Ryouga be comfortable with that decision? He missed his own mother greatly, and he doubt Ranma would take the news lightly. Ryouga didn't want to put Ranma through that. But Ranma was so beautiful. How would he be able to give him up? Ryouga's eyes threatened to water. Happiness never came easily to him. He sighed and continued on his way down the street. He passed a very familiar restaurant, causing his stomach to rumble. With a smile, he walked into Ucchan's. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Ukyou sitting down, her face buried in her arms. "Ukyou?" he began gently. "What's wrong?" Her head jerked up. "Ryouga?" Her eyes narrowed. "You!" "What?" Ryouga instinctively took a step back. "What'd I do?" "You! You stole Ranma from me!" "Oh," muttered Ryouga in a tiny voice. He didn't blame her for her anger. "How'd you find out?" "Nabiki." Ryouga groaned to himself. No chance of this remaining a secret. "I'm sorry, Ukyou. I didn't mean for this to happen." "Since when? Since when did you just stop loving Akane and hating Ranma? Since when did Ranma like guys? It doesn't make sense." Ryouga just shrugged helplessly. "I certainly didn't want it to happen. God knows how much simpler my life would be," - - "But it happened. And I can't change it...I don't want to change it "This is too much for me," Ukyou muttered. "Ryouga, I'm trying to understand, okay? But I can't, not yet. And right now, you're the last person I want to see." Ryouga nodded. "I understand. I'll go now." With a sad sigh, he left. - Akane kicked the small pebble in front of her. It skipped and jumped over the rough asphalt. Akane stopped walking to lean against the fence. The last few days had been really hard for her. She saw very little of Ranma in the past few days. It was just her luck. As soon as she discovered her love for Ranma, he starts spending his time with a new friend, who just happens to be the guy Akane hoped she'd never see again. Akane wiped her eyes angrily. She had taken a walk to clear her head, but it hadn't done anything except build up an appetite. Akane slammed her fist into the fence behind her, causing it to shake and wobble for a few moments. She was about to resume her walk when she noticed a figure approaching her. As the figure grew nearer, she recognized him immediately. "Ranma!" Ranma glanced up, just now noticing her. "Hey, Akane." "Oh, I'm glad I found you. I have something I want to say to you." It's now or never. "You do?" Ranma grew nervous. "I have something to tell you, too." "Let me go first," Akane insisted. "Before I lose my nerve." Ranma shrugged. "Okay." "Ranma, I-I...I lo...I love you! There!" she spat out. She then looked up at him cautiously, hope shining in her eyes. Ranma winced. "Akane, I don't know what to say." He paused. "How can I tell you this?" Akane's face fell immediately, her cheeks reddening. She prepared herself for rejection. "Akane, I care about you, but...I think I'm in love with Ryouga." There was moment of uncomfortable silence. Then Akane erupted. "WHAT?!" "No, not think. Am," Ranma corrected himself. "Akane, I'm sorry." "But, but, but, How did this happen? *When* did this happen?" Akane felt despair well up inside her. "I don't know. I can't believe it any more than you can. But it's true." Akane stared firmly at the ground. She looked up at him, suddenly armed with an idea. "Well, maybe I can change your mind," she said seductively. And with that, she wrapped her arms around him, tilted her face up, and kissed him. - Ryouga's steps were heavy as he walked down the street. He was starting to feel the beginnings of depression stirring inside him. This day had not been a good one. It only confirmed Ryouga's realization of how alone he would be without Ranma. He hoped she would find someone else soon. He hated seeing the hurt in her eyes, hurt that was half his fault. His heart hung heavy inside his chest. He couldn't wait to find Ranma. He knew Ranma would cheer him up. Until he had to tell him about his mother, that is. Not a thing he was looking forward to doing. Ryouga sighed. As he wandered the sidewalk, he spotted a couple a block up, sharing a kiss. It made Ryouga ache for Ranma even more. He wished he would find Ranma soon, and press his lips against his. The image of the couple became clearer as Ryouga walked closer, lost in his daydreams. Suddenly, he stopped in his tracks, recognition dawning on him. The world crashed around him. Ranma and Akane. Were kissing. Tears sprang to his eyes as he watched. Then, without a word or sound, Ryouga turned and ran away. - Ranma gasped and pushed Akane away. "Wow, huh?" Akane remarked, smiling wickedly. "It was...amazing, Akane," Ranma began. Akane's face fell. "I smell a 'but' coming on." "But it doesn't change the fact that Ryouga and I are together." Akane's eyes glistened with fresh tears. She turned away from Ranma. "I don't understand. We're engaged." "By our parents." "But...but I love you! Why don't you love me?" "I do," Ranma said softly. "Just not the way you want me to." There was a long pause. "Can you leave me alone now? I want to be alone." Ranma nodded and left silently. - "Where *is* Ryouga?" Ranma wondered out loud. He had just turned down two girls for someone he hadn't been able to find all day. He passed Ukyou's restaurant and decided to check on her for a moment. Taking a deep breath, he shoved open the door and walked in. "Hello, Ukyou," he greeted. Then he noticed something was very different about her. "Hello Ranma!" she welcomed cheerfully. "Wha- You changed." He looked her up and down. Her hair was pulled back in a ponytail, and she had bound her chest again. Instead of her usual outfit, she was wearing a boy's uniform. "Yep," she giggled. "See, I can be a boy too." "Ukyou..." Ranma trailed off. "You don't need to do this. It doesn't change anything." "What do you mean? Can't you give me a chance?" "No. I'm sorry." Ukyou's chin began to quiver. "But," her voice cracked. "How could you love Ryouga over me? I'm friendlier, I'm smarter, I'm cuter, and I don't get lost whenever I turn the corner! I certainly don't turn into a pig with cold water! What does Ryouga have that I don't?" Ranma just gave her a look, and Ukyou relented. "Okay, okay. Fine. I give up...I give up." She sighed with resignation. "You'll still be my best friend, won't you?" Ukyou looked at him tearfully and nodded. "Of course. But not now. I want to be alone." Ranma nodded and left yet another friend. Guilt threatened to overcome him. Ukyou looked at her grill. She really didn't feel like cooking anymore that night. So she closed her restaurant and headed out for a walk. - Akane sniffled as trudged down the street. She didn't feel like going home just yet. She needed someone to talk to, someone other than her family. Just then, a rather cute boy passed her on the other side of the street. Akane's face brightened. "Hey, Ukyou! Wait up!" - Ranma decided to head back to the Tendo home and hope that Ryouga would show up sooner than later. But then something caught his eye. Tacked onto a telephone pole was an envelope with his name scribbled in Ryouga's handwriting. Ranma wondered what would be so important that Ryouga couldn't wait until he found the Tendo dojo to tell him. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach as he ripped the seal of the envelope open. He yanked the letter out and began reading silently. Dear Ranma, I hope this gets to you. I just wanted to say goodbye. I realized how foolish I'd been to believe that our relationship was something good. I know now that it would never work out. I am writing to you now to say that I won't be in your life anymore and I wanted to thank you anyway for the brief moments of absolute joy you brought to my bleak life. Our relationship may not have meant anything to you, but it meant a great deal to me. Even now, I am still grateful for the time when I thought it gave my life purpose. Good luck in life, and may you and Akane live in happiness. Ryouga Ranma cursed out loud. He could feel his heart pounding frantically inside his chest. He needed to find Ryouga before it was too late, but he had no idea where to begin looking for him. Trying to calm down, Ranma closed his eyes and concentrated on Ryouga. Clearing his mind of all thoughts besides Ryouga, he let his heart led him. He knew it was silly, but it was a good an idea as any. He began running. - Ryouga stared at the hunting knife he held in his hand. He debated on what way would be the best way to go. The depression and despair hung heavily around him, smothering him. He wanted to weep at the poor excuse of a life he led. The memories of Ranma being there the last time he felt this way made him want to cry all the harder. He turned his focus to the task in front of him. He wanted to die, there was no question about it. But he was unsure of how to go about doing that. It would have been very easy to channel his dark emotions into a perfect shi shi houkouden that could kill him instantly. But Ryouga felt that would put on too much of a show. The blast would be incredible. He didn't want to go out on a bang. He wanted to go out on a whimper, his death mirroring his life. Hanging himself was another option, but that seemed too gruesome to him. He could jump off a high ledge somewhere, but he wasn't sure if that would be enough to get through his tough hide. Which led him to his current position: fingering a sharp knife. He could slit his wrists, simple as that. He wondered how long it would take to die that way. What it would feel like to have your life drain out through the deep cuts on your wrists. As he contemplated death, he couldn't help but contemplate his life. Ryouga furiously wiped away the tears that sprang to his eyes. With renewed determination, Ryouga poised the knife over his left wrist. With slow deliberation, he dug the sharp edge into the skin, watching the blood ooze around the tip. It collected in a tiny pool before running over the edge of his wrist in a thin stream. He gripped the knife harder, ready to slide it across his wrist. He gave a sad smile. Suddenly, a fist slammed powerfully into the side of his face, knocking him to the ground. Sprawled on the ground, Ryouga looked up with wide eyes. That was the last thing he expected. His vision blurred. The setting sun was directly in front of him and so he was unable to make out the shape that stood before him. "You *bastard*," the figure said angrily. "Ranma?" Ryouga gasped, struggling to stand. Confused, he pulled himself up to face the other boy. "What...? How...?" He glanced down at his bleeding wrist and hastily hid it behind his back. "Why did you do that for?" "You think I'm just going to let you leave, you jerk!" Ranma shouted angrily. "How could you? I thought we had something." "I thought we did too." replied Ryouga sadly, his eyes beginning to shimmer. Ranma's face softened. Ryouga protested feebly as Ranma gently took a hold of his injured wrist from behind his back. Blood was slowly trickling out the small cut. "Then why did you do this?" he asked quietly. Ryouga refused to meet Ranma's gaze. "I saw you kissing Akane today." Ranma drew in a deep breath. "And so you decided to run away? Before we had a chance to talk about it?" "It's not just that." Ryouga replied in a choked voice. "It would just be easier for you if I was gone. I managed to ruin your relationship with your best friend. I even ruined your relationship with your own *mother*. Everyone hates you now. And everyone hates me for doing that to you. If things went back to the way they were, everyone would be happier." "Except for you," Ranma stated, covering Ryouga's bleeding wound with his hand. Ryouga smothered a sob that was about to escape. "Yeah, well, I would have been fine now if you hadn't interrupted me." "And what about me?" "What about you?" "Man, you're so self-absorbed! Don't you ever think of anybody besides yourself?" Ryouga was shocked at Ranma's outburst. He thought he was thinking of everyone *but* himself. "Did you ever consider how I'd feel?" Ranma continued. "Do you think I would have been happy?" "You have Akane." "Ryouga, Akane kissed me. And I stopped her. It didn't mean anything. And if you had stuck around, you would have realized that." Ryouga's eyes flickered before he looked at the ground with shame. Ranma went on. "Ryouga, I don't know what I would do without you. I love you. Why don't you realize that?" Ryouga looked up sharply. " love me?" Ranma nodded. "Of course, you idiot. Didn't you believe me the first time?" "Sometimes people just say things," Ryouga replied. "But what about your fiancees? Your parents?" "I don't care what they think. It doesn't change the way I feel," Ranma told him firmly. Ryouga's eyes filled with tears. He was almost speechless. Almost. "Ranma, I...I love you too." And with that, he embraced the other boy tightly, crying silently with tears of joy. Ranma squeezed the Lost Boy back, feeling himself begin to tear up. They stood together for endless minutes, clinging to each other. "Oh, no," Ryouga muttered with a choked laugh, pulling his head up from Ranma's shoulder. "I think I'm getting your shirt dirty." He pulled away and looked at Ranma's back where a dark red spot remained in the place where his wrist used to be. "Yep. I did." "Oh, no, I completely forgot about your wrist," Ranma said with concern lining his voice. He ripped a piece of fabric from his shirt and began wrapping Ryouga's wrist in it. Ryouga peered seriously into Ranma's eyes. "Thank you, Ranma. For everything." Ranma shook his head. "Why do you keep thanking me, you dumb lug?" He smiled playfully. "Hey, who you calling 'dumb lug'?" Ryouga shot back, trying to hide his smile. "Come on, dumb lug," Ranma said, grabbing Ryouga's hand. "Let's go home." End Part 5 ~*~*~*~*~ Yep, the inevitable corny ending. ^_^; I hope the characters weren't too OOC. Remember, this was a very rough draft. If you have any suggestions for this story, please tell me! And please, please tell me what you think.